During Pregnancy
Having a baby can be an amazing and rewarding experience. It may also be a challenge with hormonal, physical and emotional changes occurring through each stage of pregnancy. Looking after yourself during pregnancy is essential for your health and that of your baby.
The following are basic changes that occur during each trimester:
- Trimester one (up to 12 weeks): the baby’s nervous system develops along with other major organs, the mother may feel tired and nauseous due to changes in hormones and bodily functions.
- Trimester two (13-27 weeks): weight gain occurs due to the baby’s growth, the mother’s centre of gravity changes and the baby’s movements may be felt.
- Trimester three (from 28 weeks): the curve of the mother’s lower back increases and the pelvis expands to allow further growth of the baby. Additional weight can create rounded shoulders, forward head carriage and widening of the legs for a stable base of support.
Up to 50 percent of women experience back pain during their pregnancy. Chiropractic care may help your body to adapt to changes placed on it as your baby develops and grows. Pressure is placed on your muscles, joints and ligaments creating areas of increased stress which may lead to pain, discomfort and tension. The most important benefit you may gain from chiropractic is to not only help relieve your pain and discomfort but to also ensure that your pelvis is in its optimal shape and position and in doing so prepares the baby’s environment for delivery.
At Spine Tuning Chiropractic, we use different adjustment techniques along with soft tissue therapy and advice on special exercises for each trimester, to help your body remain more comfortable and adapt to these changes as your baby develops and grows.
Remember, this information is a guide and it is recommended you book an appointment with a Spine Tuning Chiropractic practitioner. We perform a thorough assessment and discuss your individual treatment options.
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